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Game Name : Spy Hunter
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-02-16 03:36:52
Views : 34404

Saliva: Spy Hunter Theme FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "GUNN" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Saliva: Your Disease FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "SALIVA" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

The Making Of Spy Hunter FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "MAKING" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Spy Hunter Concept Art FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "SCW823" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Early Test Animatic FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "WWS413" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Cheat mode
Cheats are unlocked by completing all mission objectives within a set amount of time. To activate the cheats, enter "System Options", then choose "Extras", and "Cheat Grid". To play the FMV sequences unlocked in the cheat menu, choose the "Movie Player" option that is above "Cheat Grid".

Saliva Spy Hunter Video: Complete level 1 in 3:40.
Green HUD (Heads Up Display): Complete level 2 in 3:35.
Saliva Your Disease Video: Complete level 3 in 2:40.
Night Vision: Complete level 4 in 3:15.
Early Test Anamatic Video: Complete level 5 in 3:25.
Extra Cameras: Complete level 6 in 3:45.
Rainbow HUD (Heads Up Display): Complete level 7 in 3:10.
Inversion Camera: Complete level 8 in 3:05.
Concept Art Video: Complete level 9 in 3:45.
Fisheye View: Complete level 10 in 3:15.
Camera Flip: Complete level 11 in 3:10.
Puke Camera: Complete level 12 in 3:30.
Making Of Video: Complete level 13 in 2:15.
Tiny Spy: Complete level 14 in 5:10.
Hover Spy: Complete the entire game.
Super Spy: Complete all 65 objectives in the game for unlimited ammunition and invincibility for your car.

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